Sentence example with the word 'sheared'


abbreviated, abstracted, capsule, clipped, condensed, curtailed, digested, elided, mowed, nipped, polled, reaped, short-cut, snub, trimmed

Definition adj. having the hair or wool cut or clipped off as if with shears or clippers

Last update: September 1, 2015


Occasionally serpentines become sheared without yielding talcose minerals; they are then known as serpentine-schist and antigoriteschist, the latter being tough leek-green rocks, more or less transparent.   [Please select]


Then, too, they sometimes get small cuts while they are being sheared and the lime and sulphur makes the bruises smart.   [Please select]


In the spring bands of traveling shearers came from ranch to ranch and sheared the flocks for so much a day.   [Please select]


The thrust had gone deep; it had sheared through the specious arguments he had been weaving.   [Please select]


The lambs appear in the morning and in the evening with luminous wool; they are sheared during the night.   [Please select]


The stroke of the sword sheared away some of the shield, but the blade broke in Sigurd's hands.   [Please select]


He struck, and the sword cut through the shield and sheared through the anvil, cutting away its iron horn.   [Please select]


The remnant of the hair, and the gashes in the skin, nearly resemble the sheared pelt of beaver.   [Please select]


His beak closed upon the exposed half of the turtle's head, and slowly, inexorably, sheared it clean off just behind the eyes.   [Please select]


The sheared hair had dried in the night, tumbling into a hundred golden ringlets.   [Please select]


Colonel Kane says that he saw a piece of cloth, the wool for which was sheared, dyed, spun, and woven, during the march.   [Please select]

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shear - sheared - shearer