Sentence example with the word 'sheafs'


Last update: September 10, 2015


--not with this delusion of wealth, these sheafs of Promises to Pay the Government is issuing.   [Please select]


--like you'd toss a couple of wheat sheafs with your pitchfork, an' he sent them rollin', with blood squirtin' all over.'   [Please select]


A number of giant torches had been prepared, consisting of sheafs of straw soaked with pitch, and one of these was now lighted and elevated on a pole some fifteen feet above the battlement.   [Please select]


He is one of those beings who may be aptly termed "machines," a patient, plodding, ox-like creature who takes to the most irksome labor as a flail takes to the sheafs on the threshing-floor.   [Please select]

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sheaf - sheafs - shear