The muscles in various parts of the body frequently participate in the disease, bloody serum being infiltrated between the layers. [Please select]
The deep layer of the skin is infiltrated with serum, which gives it the characteristic condition of pitting under pressure. [Please select]
Taken in the fingers, a limpid serum oozes from the hinder part of the body, which moistens the whole surface. [Please select]
This leads to the subject of the use of natural and artificial serum in the treatment of disease. [Please select]
Artificial serum seems to have been first employed by Edmund R. [Please select]
This effect has been pointed out by Horsfall (1934) and by Leone (1953) in their work on the effects of formaldehyde on serum proteins. [Please select]
Reactions of unformolized antigens of _Richmondena_, _Zonotrichia_, and _Molothrus_ with anti-_Richmondena_ serum. [Please select]
Reactions of formolized antigens of _Richmondena_, _Zonotrichia_, and _Molothrus_ with anti-_Richmondena_ serum. [Please select]
Reactions of anti-_Richmondena_ serum prepared against native antigen with antigens of _Richmondena_, _Zonotrichia_, _Carpodacus_, and _Spinus_. [Please select]
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