Sentence example with the word 'senora'


dame, dona, donna, lady, madam, madame, mademoiselle, mem-sahib, mesdames, senhora, senhorita, signora, signorina, vrouw

Definition n. a Spanish title or form of address for a married woman

Last update: September 8, 2015


The Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles was founded in 1781.   [Please select]


An' when I inquired of his boss he said Bland had been up all night fightin' with the Senora.   [Please select]


Senora Desnoyers was so greatly impressed by these dire prophecies that she could not hide them from her family.   [Please select]


Each morning on opening the papers, before reading the war news, Senora Desnoyers would hunt other notices.   [Please select]


Then the poor senora ran to the rue de la Pompe.   [Please select]


But the good senora, after having read Don Marcelo's letters, opposed an adamantine will to all contrary suggestions.   [Please select]

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senor - senora - senores