Sentence example with the word 'semitransparent'


Definition adj. allowing light to pass through diffusely

Last update: October 9, 2015


Long, obovate-lanceolate in shape and yellowish-green; the dioecious flowers, which are small and nearly of the same colour but,yellower, appear in February and March; the white berry when ripe is filled with a viscous semitransparent pulp (whence bird-lime is derived).   [Please select]


Smoke lay upon the sea like a semitransparent fog, through which here and there shone cores of intense brilliance.   [Please select]


The favourite stones, when the neighbourhood of the nest permits, are little nodules of quartz, smooth and semitransparent.   [Please select]


Woolly fibre consists of a semitransparent stem, or stalk, supposed to be hollow, as represented at Fig.   [Please select]


After a lapse of four minutes the glimmer of his candle was discernible through the semitransparent semicircular glass fanlight over the halldoor.   [Please select]


Some of them already contain the cocoon, which is slender and semitransparent, like those of the Cerceris, and, like them, suggests the shape of certain homoeopathic phials, with oval bellies surmounted by a tapering neck.   [Please select]


And then, suddenly, an idea came to Helen de Vallorbes, causing the delicate colour to spring into her cheeks, and the light into her eyes, veiled by those fringed, semitransparent lids.   [Please select]

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