Sentence example with the word 'seminary'


academy, convent school, educational institution, high, institution, junior high school, parish school, preparatory school, school, senior high school, yeshiva

Definition n. a private place of education for the young

Last update: July 2, 2015


Undoubtedly, much of the ecumenical concern that has remained the hallmark of Union Seminary can be traced to his influence.   [noun]


Dr. Percy is also Adjunct Professor of Theology at Hartford Seminary, Connecticut.   [noun]


Allan's rival seminary at Douai, Sir John could have found no safer haven for his little ewe lamb.   [noun]


We stopped a few moments at Lasell Seminary in Auburndale, where old associations were revived by my Companion over a cup of tea.   [noun]


There's always a petard in a seminary fellow.   [noun]


After marching through a number of streets the patrol arrested five more Russian suspects: a small shopkeeper, two seminary students, a peasant, and a house serf, besides several looters.   [noun]


; the pupils in the seminary, these tender levities; errors imputed to newspapers, the imposture which distills its venom through the columns of those organs; etc.   [noun]


Thenardier had that peculiar rectilinear something about his gestures which, accompanied by an oath, recalls the barracks, and by a sign of the cross, the seminary.   [noun]

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seminarists - seminary - seminiferous