"Yes, a new happiness was revealed to me of which man cannot be deprived," he thought as he lay in the semidarkness of the quiet hut, gazing fixedly before him with feverish wide open eyes. [Please select]
The place was in semidarkness, objects being but dimly discernible. [Please select]
CHAPTER XI The men rapidly picked out their horses in the semidarkness, tightened their saddle girths, and formed companies. [Please select]
Natasha lay on the bed and in the semidarkness of the room scanned Princess Mary's face. [Please select]
The hall, owing to the fact that the shutters of the windows by the stairs were always closed, was in semidarkness. [Please select]
He peered, in the semidarkness, at the battered door behind the bar. [Please select]
Without answering, the two were retreating into the semidarkness of the dining-room. [Please select]
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