Sentence example with the word 'seisin'


Last update: July 30, 2015


Feudal law required that the king should take seisin of the earldom before regranting it and receiving the homage, and the sheriff of Ayr was directed to take it on Baliol's behalf.   [Please select]


Gilles, nevertheless, took primer seisin and was content.   [Please select]


In the earlier legal social control the all-important thing is seisin, or possession.   [Please select]


Indeed the idea of _dominium_, or ownership as we now understand it, was first worked out thoroughly in Roman law, and other systems got their idea of it, as distinguished from seisin, from the Roman books.   [Please select]


The plaintiff had no seisin; he had no privileged possession; he had only a temporary occupancy, insufficient to warrant in his favor the presumption of property, which renders the annual possession so valuable.   [Please select]

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seised - seisin - seismic