Sentence example with the word 'seemly'


accepted, apt, condign, correct, discreet, fitting, kosher, orthodox, recommendable, suited, well-timed

Definition adj. according with custom or propriety

Last update: July 31, 2015


All must behave in a seemly manner at any occasion.   [adjective]


Even more striking is the fact that in civilized countries what is permitted at certain times is forbidden at others; a woman will expose far more of her person at night, in the ballroom or theatre, than would be considered seemly by day in the street; and a bathing costume which would be thought modest on the beach would meet with reprobation in a town.   [adjective]


4) was doubtless a sacred tree, as there the images (which it was not seemly to bring on a pilgrimage to Beth-el) would be safe.   [adjective]


Although, indeed, ye wear the trews, a garment whilk I approve maist of the twa, as mair ancient and seemly.   [adjective]


We rallied round him in a seemly silence.   [Please select]


The quality that made "like that" not seemly to her, increased, at each return, its potency.   [Please select]


No, it is not seemly to dispute with thee, and before thy son.   [Please select]


"Aye, but it is seemly that a mother should give her daughter in marriage."   [Please select]


Fisher's idea of the seemly--but of course contrary; what else would one expect of Mrs.   [Please select]

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seemliness - seemly - seems