Sentence example with the word 'scrim'


act drop, backdrop, cloth, curtain, decor, fire curtain, hanging, scenery, stage screw, teaser, transformation scene, woodcut

Definition n. a firm open-weave fabric used for a curtain in the theater

Last update: June 23, 2015


Wide, and should be put on during spring before the blossom buds begin to expand; they should have attached to them scrim cloth (a sort of thin canvas), which admits light pretty freely, yet is sufficient to ward off ordinary frosts; this canvas is to be let down towards evening and drawn up again in the morning.   [Please select]


Gwynne, the supreme glory must linger round the head of our centre scrim and Y.   [Please select]


He'd sit down all of a sudden, put on a stupid look, do the scrim-shanker stunt, and flop like a bundle of dirty linen.   [Please select]


I jes' sewed an' saved an' scrimped to git it, an' now it's--busted.   [Please select]

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