Sentence example with the word 'scratcher'


Definition n. a workman who uses a tool for scratching

Last update: July 3, 2015


In Beverly Hills, your poor neighbor might be one who had to buy the 14K-gold back scratcher instead of the diamond-encrusted platinum one everyone else is buying.   [Please select]


Certainly the hen is an apt emblem of the "uncessant" sitter, the credulous scratcher, the fussy cackler who produced the "Magnalia."   [Please select]


And he took up his cage and went towards the scratcher of dust-heaps, and the men went with him.   [Please select]


They were about eighteen inches long, and Tommy guarantees that a scratcher of this length will reach any part of the body which may be attacked.   [Please select]

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scratched - scratcher - scratchers