Sentence example with the word 'scrapings'


Last update: August 19, 2015


The scrapings from the tree, which contain fragments of wood, are mixed with the residues of the collecting pots and the refuse of the vessels employed, and are made up into large rounded balls, which form the inferior commercial quality called " negrohead, " and often contain 25 or 35% of impurity.   [Please select]


Children fighting for the scrapings of the pot.   [Please select]


Dick carefully polished the glass and held it at the right angle between the touchwood, that is, the scrapings, and the sun.   [Please select]


The rest of us had nothing, unless you count the scrapings of the pudding-basin, and those don't really count at all.   [Please select]


In every case his 'replies' were given in the form of scrapings with his right forehoof.'   [Please select]


The big house was to her, not a Roman Catholic mission, but a place whose garbage-tins abounded in choicest fish scrapings.   [Please select]


It mixes a few scrapings of perforated pith with the green paste.   [Please select]


The catch included also ling, sole, whiting, dab, gurnet, oysters, crabs, whelks, cat-fish, star-fish, and a large amount of ocean scrapings.   [Please select]


The _patio_ and corridors were full of scaffolding and plaster scrapings as we passed in.   [Please select]


He sells the scrapings of his pans, the burnt fat, reeking of candle grease, at a low price.   [Please select]


This may be done by putting the scrapings on a piece of paper and blowing them into the lock through the keyhole.   [Please select]

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scraping - scrapings - scrapped