Sentence example with the word 'scraggy'


angular, dumpy, gangling, jagged, midget, rudimentary, scragged, shrunken, spindling, undersize

Definition adj. being very thin

Last update: September 22, 2015


This man looks very scraggy.   [Please select]


In the latter form old trees, the summer pruning of which has been neglected, are apt to acquire an undue projection from the wall and become scraggy, to avoid which a portion of the old spurs should be cut out annually.   [Please select]


To see them looking scraggy and sick, you will be thrown into despair by the miscarriage of some plan, which promised rich returns.   [Please select]


When our men surrounded them they were full of joy and held up their scraggy old faces to be kissed by these troopers.   [Please select]


She remembered them vaguely--tall, scraggy, permanently girlish in dress and manner, and looking their true fifty only about the neck and eyes.   [Please select]


"But it is the scraggy ones who seem to delight in displaying their angles."   [Please select]


Aloud, he blithered some complimentary lie and watched the visitor lift the scraggy nondescript out of the car.   [Please select]


Led by Ned, they swept over the open space and plunged into the wilderness of rocks and scraggy brush beyond.   [Please select]


He was a scraggy looking, rusty black little fellow, the most unattractive young bird I ever saw.   [Please select]


About this time, according to the sequence of events recorded in my all too scraggy diary, Doria came to us for a week-end, her first visit since Jaffery's outrageous conduct.   [Please select]


And the house, standing in the still air of the winter afternoon, with its rotting roof and low red chimneys partly obscured by scraggy cedars--how small it had become.   [Please select]

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scraggly - scraggy - scram