Sentence example with the word 'scientifically'


Definition adv. with respect to science

Last update: October 31, 2015


This was early in the war when communication had not been worked out as scientifically as it has been since.   [Please select]


Interesting as fiction, scientifically exact, simply expressed, this well-prepared volume will almost literally repeople the earth for many readers.   [Please select]


They will feed me scientifically, and will increase the potencies gradually, in order to observe the exact effects at different stages.   [Please select]


A cat, on the contrary, smells and tastes everything first and chews it scientifically before swallowing it.   [Please select]


Charles Garrott would scientifically diagnose a Woman to her face, in a manner which she, poor creature, but little suspected.   [Please select]


And on the whole, he felt that that had explained him scientifically into the best company in the world.   [Please select]

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scientific - scientifically - scientist