Sentence example with the word 'scholastically'


Definition adv. with respect to scholastic activities

Last update: July 28, 2015


Mysticism was pieced on somewhat incongruously to a scholastically accepted theology; the feelings and the intellect were not brought together.   [Please select]


A soulless play of concepts would certainly not help the cause, and there is no disadvantage in the failure of the history of philosophy to proceed so directly and so scholastically, as, for instance, in the system of Hegel.   [Please select]


On the contrary, our criticism is the necessary preparation for a thoroughly scientific system of metaphysics which must perform its task entirely a priori, to the complete satisfaction of speculative reason, and must, therefore, be treated, not popularly, but scholastically.   [Please select]

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scholastic - scholastically - scholasticism