Sentence example with the word 'schilling'


Definition n. formerly the basic unit of money in Austria

Last update: August 31, 2015


The application of this to telegraphic purposes was suggested by Laplace and taken up by Ampere, and afterwards by Triboaillet and by Schilling, whose work forms the foundation of much of modern telegraphy.   [Please select]


Lee's Great Englishmen of the Sixteenth Century; Schilling's Elizabethan Lyrics, in Athenum Press Series; Vernon Lee's Euphorion.   [Please select]


Since my arrival in Petersburg I have been occupied eight hours every day in transcribing a Manchu manuscript of the Old Testament belonging to Baron Schilling, and I am happy to be able to say that I have just completed the last of it, the Rev.   [Please select]

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schiller - schilling - schism