Sentence example with the word 'schemer'


archtraitor, cockatrice, conspirator, double agent, exploiter, intrigant, maneuverer, opportunist, rat, strategist, traitor, turncoat

Definition n. a planner who draws up a personal scheme of action

Last update: September 19, 2015


Simple and frugal in her tastes, and devout in thought and manner of life, she helped to bind her children to the life of Corsica, while her husband, a schemer by nature and a Voltairian by conviction, pointed the way to careers in France, the opening up of which moulded the fortunes of the family and the destinies of Europe.   [Please select]


Lazy idle little schemer.   [Please select]


They knew that the boy was doomed if he fell into the hands of this iniquitous old schemer.   [Please select]


Then farewell to this poor schemer and any delusions he may yet nourish as to a peaceful, federated West.   [Please select]


"Schemer," she said, as she dropped a kiss on the back of Julie's neck, "I hope you're satisfied."'   [Please select]


Piers was young, wealthy, handsome,--a catch for any woman; but--fiercely he swore it--he should fall a prey to no schemer.   [Please select]


Dominey was more than ever the aristocrat; Seaman the plebian schemer, unabashed and desperately in earnest.   [Please select]


It is the contriver, the schemer, who is caught by the Law, and never the philosopher.   [Please select]


Bolivar fancied San Martin a crafty schemer plotting for his own advancement.   [Please select]


He is a born schemer, and his sole idea of politics is to play off one faction against another.   [Please select]


Berated by later generations as an adventurer, a schemer, a charlatan, Law originally deserved anything but such a verdict of his public.   [Please select]

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