The street was almost deserted, although the guards at either end had been removed for fear of scaring away the conspirators. [Please select]
Why, he used to go roaring and romping about the country, scaring them that didn't know him mighty nigh to death. [Please select]
'Fancy anything scaring Winnie, who threatens to hit people when they offend her.' [Please select]
Tommy takes special delight in scaring these men with tales of his own experiences which he never had. [Please select]
"I'll 'sicc' the Katydids on you if you don't stop scaring the little girl."' [Please select]
If you succeed in scaring it away before your fowls are injured, you will be lucky in your business. [Please select]
"We were scaring away the foxes," said one of the donkeys, meekly. [Please select]
So in cheery accord they went their careless way through the preserves, scaring the birds and filling their baskets with great industry. [Please select]
Emmy clapped her hands with joy, thereby scaring a hen that was straying on the common. [Please select]
On that occasion, the sheep had broken from the corral, and Lad, acting on ancestral instinct, had rounded them up, without injuring or scaring one of them. [Please select]
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