Sentence example with the word 'scarabs'


Last update: July 3, 2015


Avaris is generally assigned to the region towards Pelusium on the strength of its being located in the Sethroite nome by Josephus, but Petrie thinks it was at Tell el-Yahudiyeh (Yehudia), where Hyksos scarabs are common.   [Please select]


It seemed that Hackman of the British Museum had been staying with him about ten days before, boasting of scarabs.   [Please select]


To certain classes of objects, such as scarabs, blue glazed _faïence_, linen sheets, mummy bandages and garments, terracotta vases and vessels, alabaster jars, &c.   [Please select]


As if all the Egyptian scarabs and Babylonian tablets in the world _could_ balance the scale with Helen on the other side.   [Please select]


It was no new thing for Helen to haunt curio-shops and museum-cabinets given over to Babylonian tablets and Egyptian scarabs.   [Please select]


A catalogue of ancient scarabs is required, let us suppose, and students are set to work upon it.   [Please select]


The shelves within were laden principally with antique jewellery, statuettes, medals, scarabs; and a number of little leather-covered boxes were there also.   [Please select]


I answered, looking with gloomy apprehension at the sandal-wood box which had appeared upon a case full of scarabs.   [Please select]


In the court between the two temples were found a large number of small votive offerings, consisting of scarabs, beads, little figures of cows and women, etc.   [Please select]


Maspero's history will remember that Iuaa and Tuaa are mentioned on one of the large memorial scarabs of Amenhetep III, which commemorates his marriage.   [Please select]

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scarabaeus - scarabs - scaramouch