The cock has a fine yellow bill and a head bearing a rounded crest of filamentous feathers; lanceolate scapulars overhang the wings, and from the rump spring the long flowing plumes which are so characteristic of the species, and were so highly prized by the natives before the Spanish conquest that no one was allowed to kill the bird when taken, but only to divest it of its feathers, which were to be worn by the chiefs alone. [Please select]
Brown scapulars in tatters, defending her both ways. [Please select]
Incubating adults were observed to peck at their breasts and scapulars from the eleventh through the fourteenth day of incubation. [Please select]
At this time the young were observed to scratch their heads and peck at their breasts, scapulars, and the base of their tails. [Please select]
_Female_--head, back and scapulars, ash-brown, tinged with olive; lower parts greyish white; the transverse bands less distinct. [Please select]
_Winter_--back and scapulars ash-grey; chin and throat white, with a black, but not entirely isolated, gorget. [Please select]
_ Sooty slate; linings of wings white; scapulars, upper tail coverts, and tail feathers tipped with white. [Please select]
305, but smaller; scapulars more broadly tipped with buff; neck-tuft of _less_ than ten feathers; obtusely _pointed_; axillars _barred_ with dusky. [Please select]
_ Ear-tufts small; eye surrounded by rusty, then by gray; crown, nape and tips of scapulars largely rusty; neck band rusty. [Please select]