Sentence example with the word 'sawhorse'


Definition n. a framework for holding wood that is being sawed

Last update: September 12, 2015


"A sawhorse is a thing they saw boards on," remarked Jim, with a sniff.   [Please select]


The Sawhorse resented this familiarity and with a sudden kick pounded the Woozy squarely on its head with one gold-shod foot.   [Please select]


All the people of Oz respect the Sawhorse highly, and when I visit Ozma she sometimes allows me to ride him--as I am doing to-day.   [Please select]


Then she said: [Illustration] "You'd better ride the Sawhorse, for he is swift and intelligent and will help you accomplish your task."   [Please select]


"All right," answered Jack, and went to the royal stable to tell the Sawhorse to be ready for the trip.   [Please select]


Jack said "Good morning" to the Sawhorse and placed upon the creature's back a saddle of purple leather, studded with jewels.   [Please select]


Jack now examined the map Ozma had given him and found the right path to take, which the Sawhorse obediently followed.   [Please select]

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sawfly - sawhorse - sawing