Sentence example with the word 'sawbones'


allopath, attending physician, country doctor, doc, family doctor, house physician, leech, medical attendant, medical man, medico, operator, physician in ordinary, resident physician

Definition n. a physician who specializes in surgery

Last update: October 26, 2015


Where the Henry Nevil's sawbones and ole clo.   [Please select]


Barry remembered the day when Wallstein was taken ill in Rudyard's house, and how Krool acted with the skill of a Westminster sawbones.   [Please select]


Also that Dr Marsh should be the chansler o' the checkers, or anything else you like, as well as sawbones-in-gineral to the community.'   [Please select]


I thought he was a sawbones till I see him a-fetchin’ water fur th’ boys.   [Please select]


“He ain’t no preach an’ he ain’t no sawbones,” he said to himself, as he returned the empty tin to Slocomb with a “Thank ye,—much obleeged.   [Please select]


And still, ever and anon, some irascible Sawbones rushes to the ten-paced turf, where, though he be spectacled or pot-bellied, those disadvantages rarely calm his blood-letting rage.   [Please select]

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sawbills - sawbones - sawbuck