Sentence example with the word 'saunters'


Last update: August 24, 2015


(In disdain she saunters away, plump as a pampered pouter pigeon, humming the duet from Don Giovanni.)   [Please select]


Tooting, who makes it a point from time to time to reconnoitre, saunters halfway down-stairs and surveys the crowded rotunda from the landing.   [Please select]


The poet saunters there as in a true Holy Land, to have his heart cooled and stilled.   [Please select]


Look at him as he saunters across the lawn, Leila--look at him.   [Please select]


He saunters slowly forward, slapping his left hand with his folded gloves, bending his eyes upon the pavement, and sometimes raising them to throw a glance before him.   [Please select]


Up the path the young man saunters With his eye and cheek aglow; For he loves the red-haired maiden And he aims to tell her so.   [Please select]

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sauntering - saunters - saurian