Sentence example with the word 'sapor'


Last update: July 6, 2015


It was taken by Tigranes and destroyed by the Persian king Shapur (Sapor) I.   [Please select]


253-260), in a battle with the Persians before Edessa, in Mesopotamia, was defeated and taken prisoner by Sapor, the Persian king.   [Please select]


Constantius was followed by his cousin Julian, who was killed while in pursuit of the troops of Sapor, king of the Persians (A.)   [Please select]


This new Sassanid Empire immediately became aggressive, and under Sapor I, the son and successor of Ardashir, took Antioch.   [Please select]


242, at the accession of Sapor I, the second Sassanid monarch, he began his teaching.   [Please select]


Sapor defied Rome herself, and dragged the Emperor Valerian in disgraceful captivity to Ctesiphon, his capital.   [Please select]


But as Sapor was retiring from a victorious march into Asia Minor, he was fallen upon and defeated by Odenathus, the Arab king of a great desert-trading centre, Palmyra.   [Please select]


Sapor I, the second Sassanid shah, took Antioch, captured the Emperor Valerian, and was cut up on his return from Asia Minor by Odenathus of Palmyra.   [Please select]

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saponin - sapor - sapped