Sentence example with the word 'sandstorm'


Definition n. a windstorm that lifts up clouds of dust or sand

Last update: August 5, 2015


After all, methinks that a snowstorm cannot be more dreaded than a sandstorm, and we have faced those before now.   [Please select]


McClellan, riding in with his staff toward evening, found himself in a sandstorm of news, through which nothing could be distinctly observed.   [Please select]


You don't mean--you cannot mean that it was my brother Will who was lost in that sandstorm on the desert.   [Please select]


One day there came a sandstorm from the southwest, as usual.   [Please select]


The fenders on the old truck, just in normal driving, flopped like a crow's wings trying to fly upstream in a sandstorm.   [Please select]


I'd like to get inside of that outfit; I'd go through it like a sandstorm.   [Please select]


Some weeks later in the desert a great sandstorm overtook us in which we barely escaped with our lives.   [Please select]


It is said that the village which surrounded the church was buried by a sandstorm in the fourteenth century.   [Please select]

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