Sentence example with the word 'sallying'


Last update: June 27, 2015


Jackals are nocturnal animals, concealing themselves until dusk in woody jungles and other natural lurking places, and then sallying forth in packs, which sometimes number two hundred individuals, and visiting farmyards, villages and towns in search of food.   [Please select]


Upon sallying out, Roger found that the streets were as crowded as when he entered.   [Please select]


Then, from the obscure masses of vegetation that bordered the roadside, others and still others came sallying forth in groups.   [Please select]


"We slept here last night, sir; and upon sallying out found the rioters assembled round the Tower."   [Please select]


These birds are continually quarrelling among themselves, sallying after insects, or making their best attempts at singing.   [Please select]


He was continually sallying forth at the head of small but determined companies of Spaniards, whenever the enemy came near his stronghold.   [Please select]


Upon Lionel sallying out he found the utmost confusion and disorder reigning.   [Please select]

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sally - sallying - salmagundi