Sentence example with the word 'sallows'


Last update: October 27, 2015


It is said to derive its name of Ard-macha, the Hill of Macha, from Queen Macha of the Golden Hair, who flourished in the middle of the 4 th century B.C., but earlier it was named from its situation on the sides of a steep hill called Drumsailech, or the Hill of Sallows, which rises in the midst of a fertile plain near the Callan stream.   [Please select]


The clump of willows is the Wood of the Many Sallows (a willow-tree is familiarly known as a 'sally' in Ireland).   [Please select]


Go and search among the poplars, willows and sallows in the month of July.   [Please select]


It feeds on sallows, willows, and poplars, and may be found during July and August.   [Please select]


The food plants of this species are sallows (_Salix caprea_ and _S.)   [Please select]


It feeds during the latter part of the summer on sallows (_Salix caprea_ and _S.)   [Please select]


A few lucky explorers had even found some palm opening on the sallows.   [Please select]


It feeds on the foxglove (_Digitalis purpurea_), chickweed (_Stellaria media_), thrift (_Armeria maritima_), and other low plants in the autumn, hybernates during the winter, and attacks sallows (_Salix Caprea_ and _S.)   [Please select]


I remember that we ran up a little glen, where a stream spread into pools among sallows, and the roadside trees were heavy with mistletoe.   [Please select]

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sallowness - sallows - sally