Sentence example with the word 'salivary'


excretory, lachrymal, lachrymose, lacrimatory, lactational, lacteal, lacteous, rheumy, salivant, salivous, secretional, secretive, secretory, seminal, serous, sialagogic, spermatic, watering, watery

Definition adj. of or relating to saliva

Last update: June 25, 2015


"In having salivary glands;" but these glands are, in truth, the ovaria.   [Please select]


Interno-mandibular: applied to one of the pairs of salivary glands in bees, situated at the inner side of base of mandible.   [Please select]


Lateropharyngeal: applied to the 4th pair of salivary glands in bees; situated on each side of the pharynx.   [Please select]


Saliva: the secretion of the salivary glands that moistens and begins the digestion of the food.   [Please select]


Salivary receptacle: a small cavity above the opening of the salivary duct, between labium and hypopharynx.   [Please select]


Salivary pump: applied to the chitinous, cup-like structure at the base of the labial stylets of piercing Diptera; e.   [Please select]

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saliva - salivary - salivate