Sentence example with the word 'safes'


Last update: August 10, 2015


Among the city's manufactures are agricultural implements, iron bridges and other structural iron work, watches and watch-cases, steel, engines, safes, locks, cutlery, hardware, wagons, carriages, paving-bricks, furniture, dental and surgical chairs, paint and varnish, clay-working machinery and saw-mill machinery.   [Please select]


It was their intention to take some of us back to the bank this morning to open the vault and the safes.   [Please select]


Hundreds of legal documents belonging to this firm have been discovered in the huge earthenware jars which served as safes.   [Please select]


The merchants had waited until then for their fire-proof safes and vaults to cool off before attempting to open them.   [Please select]


Chrome steels are used for high-speed cutting tools, armor plate, files, springs, safes, dies, etc.   [Please select]


To keep them out of safes, set the legs of the safe on tin cups; keep the cups filled with water.   [Please select]


No, sir," he declared, "I hain't no more idee of what's in them safes 'n you have.'   [Please select]


The Prince crossed the room, unlocked one of the smaller safes, which stood against the side of the wall, withdrew a morocco-bound volume the size of a small portfolio, and returned to Dominey.   [Please select]


But what chiefly imposed upon the imagination of the country visitor were two massive safes, reaching from the floor to the ceiling.   [Please select]

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safer - safes - safest