Sentence example with the word 'safeguarded'


Last update: August 9, 2015


As access to the church courts is the right of all, and involves but slight expense, the liberty of even the humblest member of the Church is safeguarded, and local oppression or injustice is rendered difficult.   [Please select]


Permanent buildings should be securely safeguarded against the severity of the winter and the breaking in of thieves.   [Please select]


It was evident that the deposits of the Alaska Bank were abundantly safeguarded.   [Please select]


They brought back the lawyer's assurance that those documents she had safeguarded all through the long spring-time journey really contained the proof.   [Please select]


The new Wales was to be safeguarded by four alliances—with the English barons, with the Pope, with Scotland, and with France.   [Please select]


France has not won the war by her terms of peace nor safeguarded her frontiers for more than a few uncertain years.   [Please select]


Thus the territorial rights of other heads of states are safeguarded.   [Please select]


Perhaps the happiest months of Grace Cardew's married life were those before Lily was born, when her delicate health was safeguarded in every way by her grim father-in-law.   [Please select]


He consciously gave himself up as a scapegoat, that the security of human sanity should be safeguarded against a recurrence of this enormity.   [Please select]

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safeguard - safeguarded - safeguarding