Sentence example with the word 'safeguard'


advocate, bumper, dashboard, forehandedness, guards, invulnerability, measures, precaution, ride shotgun for, secure, windscreen

Definition n. a precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc.

Last update: September 17, 2015


We make copies of our computer disks as a safeguard against accidents.   [Please select]


Every one should safeguard the environment.   [Please select]


Furthermore, high quality thermal fuses safeguard against costly equipment failure caused by potentially destructive power surges.   [Please select]


This typical wartime Secret Memorandum was intended to safeguard allied airmen descending by parachute over Fife.   [Please select]


My affection is her only safeguard; and by winning her to myself I shall snatch her from the pit of hell.   [Please select]


"I have placed it under a better safeguard," replied Maria in a tremulous voice, and she looked it Marcus with an appeal for sympathy.   [Please select]


"But every safeguard and every guarantee that can be demanded by the wildest prudence will be afforded before a step is taken."   [Please select]


Do you not think that such an addition to the charter would be a better safeguard for the liberty and integrity of the country than walls and bastions around Paris.   [Please select]


Ben-Hur bowed and said, "The good sheik's signet is a safeguard wherever the wilderness extends, and the lion shall be swift that overtakes this king of his kind."   [Please select]


But well was it for me that I failed to slay thee, with the safeguard of the king of kings upon thy person.   [Please select]


"Well, enter with me," said the King, "and I will be thy safeguard."   [Please select]

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safaris - safeguard - safeguarded