Sentence example with the word 'saddle'


back band, breeching, chuck, currycomb, girth, hitch, knuckle, plate piece, rub down, sirloin, trappings

Definition n. a seat for the rider of a horse or camel

Last update: September 4, 2015


Sit on the saddle and ride the horse.   [Please select]


Sit on the saddle and lean forwards.   [Please select]


A saddle of lamb.   [Please select]


This saddle comes with the option of doe skin on the seat for a professional finish.   [Please select]


Two of the class were modified with rectangular saddle tanks and condensing apparatus for use in Wapping tunnel, Liverpool.   [Please select]


Then, gladly throwing himself into the saddle, he spurred his charger to the side of the litter, whence low and stifled sobs alone announced the presence of Alice.   [Please select]


The varlets know the better pieces of the deer; and one would think they might carve and roast a saddle, equal to the best cook in the land.   [Please select]


Throwing his leg over the saddle, he dismounted, with a determination to advance and seize his treacherous companion, trusting the result to his own manhood.   [Please select]


She stood beside the horse, straight and firm, with her hand on the pommel, and sprang lightly into the saddle as Fareham's strong arm lifted her.   [Please select]


Horses of this race were, and are still, in much request as saddle horses, on account of their hardiness and the ease of their movements.   [Please select]


"I'll go and saddle Brownie."'   [Please select]

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saddest - saddle - saddlebag