Sentence example with the word 'ruffianism'


Definition n. violent lawless behavior

Last update: July 25, 2015


--a unique contribution to the history of satire, when he went to work through literalness and care for beauty in a field where nearly all previous success had rested with a sort of ruffianism.   [Please select]


This endless procession of good-humoured ruffianism sweeping through the most sacred retreats of Nature, this inroad of every order of the Stygian _demi-monde_ on to the slopes of Olympus, was intensely interesting.   [Please select]


"I see; but I did not consider that Major Pierson contemplated any ruffianism," added Captain Carboneer, as the surgeon urged him to go into his cabin.   [Please select]


This bit of ruffianism had a curious effect.   [Please select]


The ruffianism of the Tory paper 'The Beacon' caused one fatal duel, and was within an inch of leading to another, in which a person of the very highest consequence would have "gone on the sod."   [Please select]


When the border ruffianism broke out in Kansas in 1855, he went there with arms and money, and soon became so prominent that he was outlawed and a price set on his head.   [Please select]

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