Sentence example with the word 'roundish'


Definition adj. somewhat round in appearance or form

Last update: July 11, 2015


The leaves of the cypresses are scale-like, overlapping and generally in four rows; the female catkins are roundish, and fewer than the male; the cones consist of from six to ten peltate woody scales, which end in a curved point, and open when the seeds are ripe; the seeds are numerous and winged.   [Please select]


The leaves are roundish with from five to nine lobes, something like the leaves of the geranium.   [Please select]


The rudimentary metatarsal is a very small roundish bone, situated at the back of the superior extremity of the principal metatarsal.   [Please select]


The eggs are two in number, of a roundish oval shape, and a pale greenish-blue colour.   [Please select]


The eggs are regular, roundish ovals, somewhat pointed towards one end.   [Please select]


The leader of the Galop de Vache delegation was a large, reddish, roundish man, but active.   [Please select]

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rounding - roundish - roundly