Sentence example with the word 'rounder'


bad lot, debauchee, gay deceiver, idler, lover-boy, profligate, roue, sundowner, tramp, waifs and strays, womanizer

Definition n. a dissolute person

Last update: June 20, 2015


The gentle lemurs (Hapalemur) have a rounder head, with smaller ears and a shorter muzzle, and also a bare patch covered with spines on the fore-arm.   [Please select]


_--The head should be wedge-shaped and rather foxy in outline, but the skull may be rounder than the Pomeranian.   [Please select]


He had a light footfall, extraordinarily light in one so stout; for he had grown rounder with the years.   [Please select]


= The most common kinds of pheasants are about the size of small domestic fowls, but have rounder, plumper bodies.   [Please select]


None of them save that city-rounder Harry Haydock had heard of any Chinese dish except chop sooey.   [Please select]


Shrig, his round eyes rounder than ever, "it'll be fair asking to be made a unfort'nate wictim of, if ye go."   [Please select]


"She is getting pink again and rounder, and this will fix her grand."   [Please select]


The dorsal fin of adult males reportedly has a thicker leading edge and a rounder form than that of the female.   [Please select]

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roundels - rounder - rounders