Sentence example with the word 'rouges'


Last update: June 9, 2015


Notwithstanding that Quebec was almost solidly Roman Catholic the Rouges sternly resisted clerical pressure; they appealed to the courts and had certain elections voided on the ground of undue clerical influence, and at length persuaded the pope to send out a delegate to Canada, through whose inquiry into the circumstances the abuses were checked and the zeal of the ultramontanes restrained.   [Please select]


The men raised their bonnets-rouges, the woman bowed low, and the Seigneur entered the post-office door.   [Please select]


Vos doigts tremblent comme la feuille, et vos joues sont rouges: mais, rouges comme des cerises.   [Please select]


These rouges are sold in powder, and also in cake or china pots; for the latter the rouge is mixed with a minute portion of solution of gum tragacanth.   [Please select]


Bosc as authority for the kind, which that naturalist describes being "rouges et tachetées;" which is scarcely applicable to the Singhalese species.   [Please select]

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rouged - rouges - rough