They are ready for Christ's sake to give up their own lives; for His commandments they securely keep, living holily and righteously, according as the Lord their God hath commanded them, giving thanks to Him at all hours, over all their food and drink, and the rest of their good things." [Please select]
Hardly had the carriage entered the grounds, when he was set upon by a sheep-dog, bright- eyed, sharp-muzzled, righteously indignant and angry. [Please select]
Afterwards he became king, and ruled righteously; and after giving alms and doing good he passed away according to his deeds. [Please select]
, but, according to the story of his "chattel," the Judge was not of the class who judged righteously. [Please select]
He learned how to take advice before attempting to give it, to obey before he could righteously command. [Please select]
The streamlet should run through the land of them with whom we are righteously at war. [Please select]
He resists and judges righteously, where we may neither resist nor judge. [Please select]
Even if they are tempted to tell the essential facts they dare not do so, for fear of losing their places, amid the applause of all the righteously minded. [Please select]
There were not many of these small green doves left in the islands, and the governor, whose favorite sport and delicacy they were, was righteously angered at the Chinaman's infraction of the law. [Please select]
Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!