Sentence example with the word 'rheumatically'


Last update: November 1, 2015


Barney Bill rose too, rheumatically, and laid both hands on the young man's shoulders.   [Please select]


The wind made strange whistling sounds through the interstices of the lumber and the battered hull groaned and creaked rheumatically.   [Please select]


An aged person, wearing a rusty black bonnet and shawl, and carrying what appeared to be a tin cake-box and a baby's bath-tub, descended rheumatically from the vehicle and announced herself as Miss Grieve.   [Please select]


It had ceased raining, but the wind, as on that first night, was howling and whining about the eaves, the shutters rattled and the old house creaked and groaned rheumatically.   [Please select]

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rheumatic - rheumatically - rheumatics