Sentence example with the word 'rheumatic'


allergic, cancerous, dropsical, incurable, luetic, neuralgic, patient, podagric, shut-in, tabid, tumorigenic

Definition adj. of or pertaining to arthritis

Last update: October 24, 2015


You should see an orthopaedic doctor about your rheumatic pains.   [Please select]


It used to be stated that these drugs are marked cardiac depressants; and the heart being invariably implicated in rheumatic fever, it is supposed that these drugs must be given with great caution.   [Please select]


I'm as stiff as a rheumatic cat.'   [Please select]


For five years has suffered from rheumatic pains in the shoulders and in the left leg.   [Please select]


Has suffered from intermittent rheumatic pains in the right knee for 13 years.   [Please select]


No rheumatic-y draughts, no bronchitis-y damps, no pure air was allowed to enter the New England meeting-house.   [Please select]


Like Uncle Parker, whose rheumatic bones were dashed against Egg Rock, full forty years ago, I am a spinner of long yarns.   [Please select]


Another native wished the fat as an antidote for rheumatic pain.   [Please select]


"I am old and rheumatic, and my dancing-days were over long ago."   [Please select]


Like Uncle Parker, whose rheumatic bones were dashed against Egg Rock full forty years ago, I am a spinner of long yarns.   [Please select]


He complains of no pain in any peculiar limb, and we therefore think his disorder cannot be rheumatic, and his limbs would have been more diminished if his disease had been a paralytic affection.   [Please select]

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rheum - rheumatic - rheumatically