Sentence example with the word 'revokes'


Last update: October 21, 2015


But the tendency to ascribe the disasters of northern Israel to the priesthood (see esp. Hosea) takes another form when an inserted prophecy revokes the privileges of the ancient and honourable family, foretells its overthrow, and announces the rise of a new faithful and everlasting priesthood, at whose hands the dispossessed survivors, reduced to poverty, would beg some priestly office to secure a livelihood (i Sam.   [Please select]


When any one, except dummy, plays two or more cards to the same trick and the mistake is not corrected, he is answerable for any consequent revokes he may have made.   [Please select]


The penalty for each established revoke is:-- (_a_) When the declarer revokes, his adversaries add 150 points to their score in the honor column, in addition to any penalty which he may have incurred for not making good his declaration.   [Please select]


'T is quite true she cannot play chess; she also, constantly, revokes at Whist, and is quite as bad-tempered over it as I am.'   [Please select]


Rise of Permanent Political Parties, 1678; the King revokes City Charters.   [Please select]

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revoked - revokes - revoking