I felt that all the strings of my heart trembled responsively. [Please select]
His sensitive nature, always abnormally alive to outward impressions, had thrilled responsively to the exultation of the audience. [Please select]
And White Fang was growling responsively, the crooning note of the growl more pronounced than ever. [Please select]
He nodded to the auctioneer, and that gentleman nodded responsively before taking up his tale afresh. [Please select]
Jarwin evidently thought his ideas somewhat ridiculous, for he paused at this point and chuckled, while Cuffy sprang up and barked responsively. [Please select]
Where the turkeys are numerous, the woods, from one end to the other, sometimes for hundreds of miles, resound with this remarkable voice of their wooing, uttered responsively from their roosting-places. [Please select]
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