Sentence example with the word 'researchers'


Last update: August 16, 2015


Again, the practical engineers who are building aeroplanes, and those who are making practical tests by actual flight in those machines, cannot be called "researchers"; that term should be confined to the members, for example, of the scientific committee appointed by the British Government in 1909 to make investigations regarding aerial construction and navigation.   [Please select]


In Minnesota, a radioed wolf was tracked a straight-line distance of 129 miles (208 km) over a 2-month period before being lost by researchers (Mech and Frenzel 1971), and annual migratory movements of over 200 miles (320 km) have been reported for Canadian wolves (Kuyt 1972).   [Please select]


Researchers spent many hours looking for whales in the Bay during the early part of the 1979 summer season, but few whales were seen.   [Please select]


National Museum, various regional museums, and other researchers actively collecting cetacean materials for display and study in the implementation of their stranded animal salvage programs.   [Please select]

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researcher - researchers - researches