Sentence example with the word 'reprimands'


Last update: August 15, 2015


In St Bernard's treatise De consideratione, addressed to Pope Eugenius III., the papacy receives as many reprimands and attacks as it does marks of affection and friendly counsel.   [Please select]


Florence in a fury; and Rose ought to know, for she's had more reprimands than any girl in school.   [Please select]


In imagination he heard his father's indignant reprimands and saw the Northampton trip shrivel into nothingness.   [Please select]


She got through her lessons as well as she could, and managed to escape reprimands by being a model of deportment.   [Please select]


Such reprimands had not often been addressed, even to inferior servants.   [Please select]


, Federal commander in West; as a general; Grant and; after Shiloh; at Corinth; General-in-Chief; military adviser at Washington; reprimands Banks; censures Meade; orders Red River Expedition Hampton Roads, _Monitor_ and _Merrimac_ in Hancock, General W.   [Please select]


It was not at all sure at first whether it was a case for rewards or reprimands, for it was still vainly hoping for peace.   [Please select]

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reprimanding - reprimands - reprint