Sentence example with the word 'reprimanding'


Last update: August 7, 2015


While a member of President Monroe's cabinet, Calhoun had favoured the reprimanding of General Jackson (q.v.) for his high-handed course in Florida in 1818, during the first Seminole War.   [Please select]


Not only had the old organization interfered with the new, indirectly reprimanding Mrs.   [Please select]


Five minutes more left," just as though they were reprimanding the unseen Hun battery for rotten shooting."   [Please select]


They were both placed before the giant, who began reprimanding his wife for staying so long.   [Please select]


I was soon taken into somewhat reprimanding charge by an admirable, if important, negro, who sighted me from a door beneath the porch of the house, and advanced upon me speedily.   [Please select]


If a grave offense has been committed, reprimanding should be done with great coolness and reserve, if you would look to future events and their probable consequences.   [Please select]

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reprimanded - reprimanding - reprimands