Sentence example with the word 'reprehensibly'


Definition adv. in a manner or to a degree deserving blame or censure

Last update: July 31, 2015


[13] But by this time the clerk's appearance was, to say the least, not reprehensibly "spruce."   [Please select]


There was not a dowager present who did not know how and where he had reprehensibly spent the last months.   [Please select]


For instance, he has pointed out to me conclusively that I grow reprehensibly selfish.   [Please select]


To work for more than this is to be greedy; to work for less is to be reprehensibly lazy.   [Please select]


He cries aloud, pulls his companions, and behaves reprehensibly generally, when no adult is present who has authority or will to punish him.   [Please select]

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reprehensibleness - reprehensibly - reprehension