Sentence example with the word 'repacking'


Last update: August 12, 2015


Tea, oni the contrary, is prepared and packed on the estates; but there is a considerable amount of work still done in the Colombo stores in sorting, blending and repacking such teas as are sold at the local public sales; also in dealing with cacao, cardainoms, cinchona bark and the remnant still left of the coffee indiustry.   [Please select]


The week of packing and repacking that followed was made easy for us by Claude Kellogg, who acted as our ministering angel.   [Please select]


This meant repacking our entire equipment and three days of hard work.   [Please select]


He himself said that it would be better not to open more, as there were no facilities for repacking.   [Please select]


And I've got two hours' unpacking and repacking to do before then.   [Please select]


There will be a repacking in of merrymakers and baskets when all are assembled.   [Please select]


After that he overhauled his stock of drugs and instruments, repacking them and making ready against opportunity.   [Please select]


Taking out her clothes and repacking was a tiresome job, and all thoughts of reading well gone from Betty's mind when the task was completed and the trunk locked for a second time.   [Please select]


[Clark, July 3, 1805] July 3rd Wednesday 1805 all of party employd in Sowing the Skins to the boat, burning Tare, preparing timber, hunting buffalow for their meat & Skins, drying & repacking the Stores, Goods &c.   [Please select]

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repacked - repacking - repaid