In 1798 it was freed from Bernese rule and became part of the canton du Leman (renamed canton de Vaud in 1803) of the Helvetic Republic. [Please select]
The replaced older file is renamed. [Please select]
John, renamed Prince Edward Island in 1798, had been made a separate Government and had received an Assembly in 1773. [Please select]
That body also renamed the capital "Sucre" and chose the hero of Ayacucho as President of the republic. [Please select]
, and by them the rude camp at Aurania was renamed Denver, in honor of the governor of Kansas. [Please select]
This time the English took permanent possession and renamed it Annapolis in honor of the queen. [Please select]
As the successful coup occurred on Trinity Sunday, the Swedes renamed the place Fort Trinity. [Please select]
The Hun Han dynasty (later renamed the Earlier Chao dynasty) (C) _The alien empires in North China, down to the Toba_ (A.) [Please select]
These newspapers renamed the letter "Bok's Literary Leaves," and the feature started on its successful career. [Please select]
The ketch was renamed the _Intrepid_, and Decatur, for his daring exploit, was promoted to the rank of captain and presented with a sword by Congress. [Please select]
This new member of the household was renamed Elizabeth Carvel, though they called her Bess, and of a course she was greatly petted and spoiled, and ruled all those about her. [Please select]
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