Sentence example with the word 'remorseless'


bowelless, flinty, heartless, inexorable, relentless, sorrowless, uncontrite, unmerciful, unregretting, unrepentant, unsorrowing, unsympathizing

Definition adj. without mercy or pity

Last update: July 5, 2015


He only won the hatred of all classes, and was represented by the obscure annalists of that period as an oppressor of the church and a remorseless tyrant.   [Please select]


Fo-Hi watched her through the veil with those remorseless blazing eyes.   [Please select]


But Paul Harley was scientifically remorseless.   [Please select]


He had the face of an enthusiast, keen, remorseless, despite its look of ascetic patience.   [Please select]


This little giant became the most remorseless pace-maker in the steel regions.   [Please select]


Rather was it violent and remorseless--a driving as by reiterated blows, a rude merciless dragging onward and downward.   [Please select]


What a remorseless brute Marlanx must be to maltreat his beautiful wife as--Truxton did not complete the angry reflection.   [Please select]


The buffalo is his own avenger, to an extent his remorseless slayers little dreamed he ever could be.   [Please select]


In his bitter disappointment and remorseless rage, nothing would satisfy him but the blood of Hamilton.   [Please select]


I need not here enumerate the victims of persecution, continued with remorseless severity during the whole reign of Henry VII.   [Please select]


She talked to him as if nothing had happened to make her distrustful, but no self-control in the world could have checked the growth of that remorseless thing called suspicion.   [Please select]

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remorsefully - remorseless - remorselessly