Sentence example with the word 'remora'


Definition n. marine fishes with a flattened elongated body and a sucking disk on the head for attaching to large fish or moving objects

Last update: August 1, 2015


Then he seized the ivory glass, clapped it to his eye, and looked for the Remora.   [Please select]


The prince now flew high above him, and cried: "A message from the Remora."   [Please select]


But, fast as the Remora stole forward, the Firedrake came quicker yet, flying and clashing his fiery wings.   [Please select]


Then the Firedrake stood groaning like a black bull, knee-deep in snow; and still the Remora climbed and climbed.   [Please select]


The wounded Remora curled back his head again on himself, and again crawled, steaming terribly, towards his enemy.   [Please select]


There they were in a moment, among the old knights whom, if you remember, the Remora had frozen into stone.   [Please select]

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remonstratively - remora - remorse