Sentence example with the word 'remonstrating'


Last update: August 8, 2015


The papacy had abandoned none of its pretensions to dominate consciences, not of Catholics only, was again proved in 1910 when, at the very moment when the pope was praising the English people for the spirit of tolerance which led the British government to introduce a bill to alter the form of the Declaration made by the sovereign on his accession into a form inoffensive to Roman Catholics, he was remonstrating with the government of Spain for abrogating the law forbidding the Spanish dissident churches to display publicly the symbols of the Christian faith or to conduct their services otherwise than semi-privately.   [Please select]


Reasoning, remonstrating, threatening, and ridiculing their officers, they show their sense of equality and their total want of subordination.   [Please select]


But his unascetic friend Prospero (one would say June remonstrating with December) can't bring himself to like it.   [Please select]


"I am perfectly certain he is going to begin by remonstrating you for your shocking treatment of me."   [Please select]


Gresley's bicycle in the most friendly manner, while the outraged owner stood by remonstrating.   [Please select]


At the foot of the marble stairway, in the hall below Marcia's apartment, Livius stood remonstrating, growing nervous.   [Please select]


But with some people, you know, there is no such thing as remonstrating.   [Please select]


"Say," said "Blootch" so loudly that the crowd felt like remonstrating with him, "what's the use of all this."   [Please select]


As far as the Cheap Jack’s wife could tell, the old woman seemed to be remonstrating and pleading; the gentleman spoke now and then.   [Please select]


She accordingly lost no time in remonstrating with Robert, and warning him of the serious consequences of his folly in trifling with the feelings of the maiden.   [Please select]

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remonstrates - remonstrating - remonstration